UN Children’s Treaty Update

posted in: This Is The Life | 1

http://koolkoncepts.com/ac-repair-heating-experts-in-plano-texas/ HSLDA: Delegation at UN Disconnects Phone–Update

http://dardogallettostudios.com/blog/2014/02/ Dear HSLDA Members and Friends:


The office of UN Ambassador Susan Rice has been inundated with calls!
The first phone line we sent out has been completely shut down, and
the voice mail system for all of their lines has been crashed.

This means you can’t likely get through, so what do you do?

You no longer need to call the U.S. office at the UN. Instead, please
contact the White House comment line at 202-456-1111. It may be
busy–we have kept it busy all day–but keep trying. It is only open
from 9 to 5 EDT, so time is limited. However, you can also send them a
message online at http://www.whitehouse.gov/CONTACT/.

Also, contact your senators. Find their contact information by using
our Legislative Toolbox at http://www.hslda.org/toolbox .
Congressional offices also close at 5 (EDT), so try to get to them
quickly–or call tomorrow!

Please visit www.ParentalRights.org for more up-to-date information on
this campaign before calling our office.

Thank you so much, and keep up the great work!

Michael Farris
HSLDA Chairman


One Response

  1. Jeff and Susan Fremont

    We are very much opposed to the Children’s Treaty with the UN. Please do not do this. Our email represents thousands of others that may not be contacting you, because they don’t even know what all you are up to.

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