I Am Honored

posted in: This Is The Life | 5

cheap isotretinoin for sale online My friend over at Evening Shade Morning Latte bestowed the sweetest friend award to me! I am honored and humbled. This is the only award I have received. Wow.

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I am going to copy and past the rules from her blog:

The rules of the award are as follows: Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to 8 bloggers that then need to choose 8 bloggers of their own to pass the award to. Include the following text depicting the award…“Each of the following ladies, I simply love. They each have faced their own challenges in their lives & the way they encapsulate their experiences endears them greatly to my heart.”

And now the award goes to…

Emily’s Blog

Vanessa at Creative Counterpart

Anna at Simple Living in Alaska

Tessila at Tessila’s Thoughts

Elizabeth at Everything Elizabeth

Jacque at Walking Therein

Anne at All Things Anne

Kaitlynn’s Journal

If you noticed, most of these are near and dear to me because they are some of my daughters. I had a very difficult time choosing from all the great blogs and friends ! I wanted to give out at least 30 awards!


5 Responses

  1. Thank you my dear friend. This means a lot that you gave it to me. : )
    *I am honored.*

    (((HUGS))) and thank you for your sweet words.


  2. Thank you so very much. I am honored. You are so kind. 🙂
    Blessings, Anna

  3. Would you like to host the THC carnival again in May or June? Or another time. Please let me know if you have a date in mind thanks. Abi

  4. I like the colors, the bow, and other things about your blog… just wanted to let you know. )

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