Will I Ever Stop Having Babies?


Cuenca There was a time when I felt overwhelmed by all the babies! I had 5 babies/toddlers and life seemed so tense! There was disciplining, sicknesses, feeding everyone, gardening, disciplining, canning, cleaning, laundry, dishes, homeschooling the eldest, and more discipleship! My head was spinning, as I was just trying to find time to take a shower and/or read my Bible and give my husband the attention he needed.

http://artedgeek.com/templates/beez3/index.php It was about this time that the Lord gave us twins! I remember saying, “Lord, I am VERY contented with 7, thank You very much! If you chose to close my womb now, I’d be contented, indeed.” A short time after, the Lord gave us Maddy, a stillborn at 20 weeks. All of a sudden, we were in shock! We had taken our fertility for granted, because things always seemed to go so well. Then, after Maddy, there was Michael, a miscarriage at 16 weeks. We didn’t want anymore! We didn’t want the pain that came with the losses!

Well, after some time had passed, God did bless us with another. She is 4 years apart from the twins. Oh how God is good in His sovereignty! See, we had lost focus because we let the business, the stresses, the here and now get in the way of our view…the bigger picture. It’s easy to do this when toddlers are pulling and tugging at you every which way. It’s always time to nurse and grocery shopping is a nightmare!

Be diligent with discipline and you will see the fruits of your labors as the quiver increases….*if* God chooses to increase it, and lastly, don’t take your fertility for granted. Love each of those sweeties…take time to read to them and play with them, and enjoy them. Not everyone is able to have a precious baby. God knows what’s best for YOU.


6 Responses

  1. GOD Bless you Ruth!!! Your post was timely for me , a Mom having a rough homeschooling week and feeling rather hands full!
    Thank You!!
    Praise the Lord!!!

  2. Praise the Lord! He is good to give us what we need when we need it.

  3. MamaChildress

    Thank you for sharing this. Our new Baby Emma is now 4 weeks old and boy, oh boy, am I feeling overwhelmed! I just told the Lord the other day that I think 9 is a lovely number. I’d be so content to have Him close my womb.
    Life is good, but really difficult at times right now for me.
    Anyway, thank you for being encouraging.

    God Bless You,

  4. I enjoyed your post. My little chicks have all left the nest and are far enough away that I don’t get to see them often. I would love to be able to help a young mom or two by keeping little ones while they shop or just take a minute to shower ALONE.

    If you are feeling a little overwhelmed, please ask. There may be someone in your church or neighborhood that would love to help.
    Missing my babies,

  5. That was a wonderful post. I am feeling like that right now. I have two with one on the way, and have told God that 3 is great number.

  6. Amen sister~

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